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6 Good Reasons To Get Yourself A Workout Buddy



Maybe you’ve been meaning to start a workout routine, but have just never been able to get one going. Or maybe you’re already working out, but are ready to take it to the next level. You may not need an expensive personal trainer, a load of new workout clothes or even the perfect iTunes mix for your runs. What you may need instead is a workout buddy!

There are many reasons that having a workout buddy can be helpful. Here are six reasons that you need a workout buddy – starting today!

1. Accountability

Accountability is one of the primary reasons that many guys get a workout buddy or sign up for weightlifting and other group workout classes. If you aren’t there for your workout, someone will be asking you where you were. Having a workout buddy can also make your conscience that much stronger. Instead of feeling just a little bit of guilt when you skip a workout to go out for drinks, you may feel a much stronger pull to get back on track because your workout buddy is expecting you to keep up with him.

2. Encouragement

There are days when even the most hardcore marathoner or Iron Man needs a little extra encouragement, and a workout buddy can be the perfect place to find it. While it’s nice to get encouragement from other people in your life, too, you can count on your workout buddy to really get it. He’ll understand why you’re lacking motivation, and he’ll not only encourage you to continue, but also be there keeping after you.

3. Competition

A little competitive spirit never hurt anyone, especially when it comes to working out. It’s important to choose a workout buddy who is at a similar fitness level to you and who has similar goals to yours. This way, you can compete to reach your goals without one half of the team getting totally left in the dust. When accountability and encouragement just won’t keep you on track during a plateau, a feeling of competing with your workout buddy just might.

4. Schedule

Workout gurus everywhere say you should schedule your workouts just like you schedule a work appointment, but how many of us actually succeed in doing this? If you’re constantly putting off your workout or rearranging your schedule in a way that gives you less time to work out, a workout buddy can help. When you’re supposed to work out with someone else, you are making an appointment when you schedule a workout. Since the laws of etiquette that our mothers pounded into our heads say that it’s incredibly rude to stand up an appointment, you’re much more likely to show up to work out on time, every time.

5. Affordability

If you’ve been thinking of hiring a personal trainer to help you lose the last few pounds or take your fitness to the next level, but have shied away from this route due to cost, a workout buddy can help. Most gyms and freelance personal trainers will allow you to split the hourly cost of a training session with a buddy. This will work well if you have similar goals and fitness levels. Using a credit card will allow you to make payments on your personal training sessions along with your gym membership, spreading out the cost and ensuring that you can have a personal trainer sooner rather than later.

6. Versatility

A workout buddy is great for helping you try new things and even for helping you work on your form. With a buddy, you can try more lifting and ab work techniques, and you may also follow your buddy to new workout classes where you can learn even more techniques to keep you lean and trim.

Start Working Out with a Buddy

Working out with a friend isn’t difficult, but you do need to put some thought into finding the right person. Here are some tips to help you find a workout buddy and start working out together:

  • Find someone with similar goals. As mentioned before, it’s important that your workout buddy has similar goals and a similar fitness level. The only situation in which this isn’t true is if your workout buddy is fitter than you and can help you get started working out while coming down to your level for your workouts together.
  • Set up a schedule that works for you both. You may not be able to work out with your friend every single day, especially if you both have busy schedules. But if you can work out together two or three times a week, that’s certainly a place to start! Depending on how your lives work, you may need to schedule individual workout sessions a week or more in advance, or you might just have a set schedule, such as every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m.
  • If you can’t find a friend, get a dog. The Centers for Disease Control notes that dog owners are more likely than non-dog owners to get their recommended amounts of exercise each week! If you can’t find a workout buddy or just need a little moderate exercise for your general health, dog ownership can be a great option!
  • Set goals together. When you get a workout buddy, try setting goals with each other. Your goals may be something simple, such as working out for half an hour four days a week. Or you could enter an event, such as a 5K or marathon, together. Setting goals gives you something to work toward and a way to track your progress.

Daniela Baker is a fitness enthusiasts. Working out with a friend is a surefire way to make strides towards meeting your fitness goals. Whether you want to lose weight, establish a workout routine or demolish an Iron Man competition, a workout buddy can help!

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