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How To Eat Healthy As A College Student



Eating a burger

As a college student, your focus is on having fun, not on making healthy and high-quality food. After all, isn’t that what being young is all about? Well… not exactly. Eating unhealthy food is a sure way to issues down the line, be it weight gain, illness, or other ailments.

Simply put, it’s better to adopt a healthy lifestyle early, so you don’t find yourself constantly going to the doctor’s office later on as a result of an unhealthy diet. Therefore, we decided to show you how you can eat cheaply as a student, while still doing so in a healthy manner.

What do students eat in college?

  • Junk-food students. This representative eats only burgers, instant soups, sausages, pasta, maybe some snacks. In general, his food is anything that is hearty, cheap, and can be eaten with ketchup mayonnaise. Most often, this is what the students at dorms eat, since eating healthy food here is not profitable: at any moment 100,500 neighbors will come to you, ready to forcibly share your meal with you.
  • Vegetable-eating students. This includes most of the fair sex. Under the guise of preserving their figure, they make up their diet mainly from vegetables: onions, cabbage, potatoes (someone, tell them that this vegetable “protects” the figure in the same way as yeast dough pies!). however, they also do not disdain porridge. On their table you can always find something that will not lure guests: oatmeal, rice and unsalted buckwheat.
  • Sneaky eaters. These are the smartest: they do not spend at all on food. Their tactic is as follows: we make as many friends as possible and visit them every time we feel like eating. And the money saved is always something to spend!

Healthy nutrition for college students

Students need to remember that with high mental and physical stress, you need to consume your 2300-2500 calories during the day. This amount of calories is difficult to obtain from vegetarian meals, vegetables and fruits. Students should think through menus and choose healthy meals from a variety of foods.

It is believed that young people 18-24 years old should receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates per day, respectively, in the proportion: 25/25/50.

  • Where to get proteins: from animal products (chicken, fish, pork, beef, etc.), eggs, legumes, nuts, mushrooms, buckwheat.
  • Where to get fats: from milk, vegetable oil, fatty fish, duck, hazelnuts, peanuts, sausages, seeds, lard.
  • Where to find carbohydrates: in cereals, breads, pasta, flour, honey, fruits, potatoes, corn.

The problem is always — time. To eat healthy you need to have either a lot of money, to buy fresh meals and get them delivered on time. Another, much more realistic option is cooking. To cook fresh meals you need to buy fresh produce. All this takes time and gets in the way of writing essays — something that truly matters for someone in college. If for any reason you have problems with writing quality papers and submitting them before the deadline, address a reputable essay writing service such as WriteMyPaperHub and pay someone to write your papers online. Here, you will get quality and cheap assistance with any written assignment possible. Sometimes, it is better to spend some extra money on paper writing assistance than to keep ordering pizzas instead of cooking. 

Fast Food. Minimize! 

Basically, our health suffers from fast food, which we often indulge in at lunchtime during the working day. We are accustomed to this type of food, because it is inexpensive and “fast”, it is not for nothing that it has such a name. At these moments, we do not think at all about how many extra calories we consume, and how artificial such food is. We suggest that you find on the Internet a couple of three dietary easy recipes that you like, and make yourself blanks from them for three days at once to dine at work. Literally immediately, you will feel lightness after eating, and work will become much more pleasant.

Reduce Portions in the Evening

Make yourself a bowl of salad with a slice of brown bread. It is tasty and healthy, you will get the required amount of vitamins and after a while you will feel that your immunity has been strengthened and you look younger and fresher. Keep in mind that there are many different recipes and each ingredient contains different vitamins. For example, carrots contain Vitamin A (carotene), which is essential for vision. Pepper and sorrel contain Vitamin Bi, which improves the functioning of the heart and nervous system. Spinach and kale contain Vitamin B2, which is essential for the liver and stomach. Broccoli and tomatoes contain tocopherol and phylloquinone, vitamins that improve metabolism.

Comfort Food Comes with Drawbacks

We all quite often want to pamper ourselves with pastries, cakes and chocolate. All sweets lift your spirits, but if consumed in large quantities, it will also have a negative impact on your health. Sometimes it is better to replace sweets with fruits, which also contain many vitamins and nutrients. Once a week, you can pamper yourself with delicious desserts.

Give yourself a break

It is not necessary to completely abandon the consumption of junk food, which we all love so much, you can simply limit its amount. Once a month, make yourself a “tricky day” in which you can eat whatever your heart desires.

When it comes to healthy eating habits and discipline is what matters the most. No matter your status — you can be a student, a young mother, a sportsman — anyone. When you make a decision to eat healthier you just think that you need to follow a plan, and you will feel better and look just amazing. But the first thing that happens when you make a plan — the reality strikes back. You are invited to take part in some parties, you don’t have time for cooking or money for paying for healthy food from the shelf. You need to plan for such occasions in advance and that will help you achieve your goals. 

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