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Top Causes Of Car Accidents And How You Can Prevent Them



Car accidents are unfortunately very common, both in the United States and around the world. While many of these accidents are relatively minor, damaging only the vehicles and not the drivers, thousands of lives are taken every year because of much worse crashes. The causes of car accidents are many and varied, with the underlying reason often being human error. You may think of yourself as a safe driver, but it can help to brush up your knowledge. With that in mind, here are the top causes of car accidents and what you can do to prevent them.

1. Distracted Driving

When smartphones became so popular, the number one cause of car accidents changed. Drink driving, speeding, and running red lights used to be the biggest problems on the road, but over the past decade or so, distraction has caused more crashes than anything else. When you’re behind the wheel of a car, you must make sure that you focus on the road. If you can’t resist the temptation of checking your phone, then put it in the glove compartment or a bag in the trunk.

2. Speeding

Far too many drivers ignore the speed limit, especially when they’re running late. Rather than only driving a few miles an hour faster, however, they go ten, twenty, thirty, and sometimes even more over the limit. The faster you drive, the slower your reaction time will be. This means that, if a hazard appeared up ahead, you might not have time to stop before you hit it. Speed can also magnify the severity of an accident, which is why you must make sure that you stick to the limits.

3. Road Rage

Everyone has been angry at some other driver for one reason or another. The trouble is, some drivers let this rage overcome them, leading to reckless driving. Whether you slam your brakes on in front of another car or pull up right behind them, you risk the safety of yourself and everyone else on the road. The same goes for taking your eyes off the road to shout abuse and make rude gestures. You need to remain calm while driving and follow the rules regardless of the situation.

4. Teenage Drivers

Teenagers aren’t always as reckless as many adults want to make them out to be. However, that doesn’t change the fact that young drivers don’t have much experience. Because of this, they may not know when they’re being careless or what to do in a dangerous situation. This naivety can easily result in an accident. If you have a teenage son or daughter, then ask that they take a defensive driving course. You might also want to limit the number of passengers they can have.

5. Construction Sites

The way in which construction zones are set up can sometimes be confusing. Even if you’re sure of the path to follow, other drivers might not be. Looking out for those drivers, therefore, is incredibly important. Make sure that you follow the cones as best as you can and stick to the speed limit. You might even want to drive a little slower than instructed to. There are likely to be construction workers around, so keep your eyes on the road and be aware of the surroundings.

6. Potholes

Potholes can be incredibly frustrating for drivers. If you drive straight over them, you risk damaging your car or, worse still, losing control of it. Unfortunately, potholes can’t always be avoided. If there are cars in the other lane, then you can’t swerve over, or you’ll put everyone in danger. When you can’t avoid a pothole, you should slow down and firmly grip the wheel. This will minimize the chances of your losing control. Having your tires properly inflated helps too.

7. Design Defects

Most car accidents are caused by human error. However, it is possible to be involved in a crash that isn’t in any way a drivers fault. As with any other new technology, driverless cars have their technical issues. Computer malfunctioning and software glitches can both lead to a driverless car accident. While you can’t always avoid troubles like this, you should take your car in for regular maintenance and take note of any recalls that you hear about in the news or online.

8. Tire Blowouts

Many highways are littered with the scattered remains of tire blowouts. These can result in you losing control of your vehicle, which is incredibly dangerous, especially for trucks and other large automobiles. When you encounter a tire blowout, you should try to keep control of your vehicle. Remain calm and safely pull over to the side of the road. You’ll need to change your tire before driving again, so, if you can’t do this yourself without risking your safety, then call for help.

9. Animal Crossings

Anyone who has ever been told about an accident involving a deer or another large creature knows how dangerous they can be. Unlike drivers, these animals don’t know the rules of the road. They will wade out into the street, expecting you to do what is necessary to avoid hitting them. For this reason, you must take caution when you see an animal crossing sign. You should also use your high beams when driving in rural, woody areas where wild animals are common.

10. Drunk Driving

When you drink alcohol, you lose the ability to function properly. Most people can’t focus, their reaction times are slower, and they make reckless decisions. This can result in a very dangerous situation if you try to operate a vehicle. If you’ve had something to drink, you can’t take the risk of getting behind the wheel. Instead, call yourself a taxi or ask a sober friend or relative to drive you home. Leaving your keys at home and arranging transportation beforehand is sensible.

11. Tailgating

There is never a good excuse for getting too close to the car in front of yours. No matter how slow they are going or how much they’ve frustrated you, keeping a safe distance is always critical. If the car in front were to brake suddenly, you wouldn’t have the time to do the same quick enough to avoid hitting the back of them. You must give the car in front of you a one-car-length buffer for every ten miles per hour that you drive and more in poor conditions.

12. Poor Weather

Snow, wind, and rain can all result in treacherous road conditions. While it isn’t always possible to avoid driving in poor weather, it should be done whenever possible. If the roads seem especially slick, you’re struggling to keep control of the vehicle, or visibility is too low to drive, then pull over and wait for the storm to pass. When it is possible to drive, make sure that you do so carefully, keeping an even larger distance between you and any cars that may be ahead.

13. Lane Changes

There will come a time when you need to get from one lane into another. You might have to exit from a freeway, for example, or prepare to make a turn. When drivers do this in an unsafe way, it can lead to a car accident. When you go to change lanes, make sure that you use your turn signal. You should also check your blind spots. As you proceed into the next lane, do so with care and only when there is a large enough space for you to fit.

14. Night Driving

Driving in the daylight is dangerous enough, but driving at night significantly increases the risk of an accident occurring. The lack of visibility makes hazards much more difficult to spot at night. This is why, as the sun goes down, your awareness of the road and any cars around you, should go right up. Remember to be extra alert when on the road at night and to turn on your lights. When on an abandoned road without any streetlights, you should also use your full lights.

15. Drowsiness

Driver fatigue isn’t often talked about, but that isn’t surprising considering that most people suffering from it are having trouble staying awake. When you’re drifting in and out of sleep, you can’t be expected to operate a vehicle, especially safely. Although most accidents caused by drowsiness occur at night, it’s more than possible to fall asleep during the day too. If you ever find yourself wanting to fall asleep at the wheel, therefore, you must pull over for a nap break.

16. Street Racing

Although glorified by films like The Fast And The Furious, street racing is nothing to brag about. It is an underground culture of fast cars and sometimes deadly accidents. With boosters and turbo engines, the speeds seen in street races are unlike anything you would have experienced on the highway. When there is an accident, the injuries are serious and often life-threatening. This might seem like an exciting thing to get involved in, but it puts your health on the line.

Car accidents occur every day all over the world. Hopefully, now that you are aware of the causes, you can keep yourself from getting involved in one.

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