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5 Attractive Qualities Women Look For In A Man



Woman kissing confident man

They say you only have one chance to make a good first impression. When it comes to meeting women, fortunately or unfortunately that is absolutely true. There is no chance for a do-over. The woman has formed a whole lot of opinions about you within those first 20 seconds.

The good news is that with a little awareness and practice, you can learn to put your best foot forward. And even if you don’t, you can still tip the scale in your favor when you display certain qualities.

Some guys naturally possess a charismatic charm and as a result, they meet and date a lot of women. For the majority of us though, we have to put in a little more work to improve our approach. More importantly, gents, it’s the mindset you go in with. If you are confident, willing to walk away and have a fun, positive attitude, more women will give you their attention.

I’ll say this again, because it is so important and the foundation to all these qualities. Make sure to develop the right mindset – whatever you need to do to get there – that you are a quality, high-value man that doesn’t give his attention to just any and all girls that show interest. Only special ones and she has to feel that she is one of those special ones. Truth is fellas, we all should be raising our standards, being pickier with our time and attention, and not going after every girl just because you think you got a shot or she shows slight interest.

So with that being said, here are 5 attractive, masculine qualities women look for in a man.

Attractive Quality #1: Make It Look Effortless

Women want a man who makes things seem effortless. Who doesn’t try too hard, doesn’t react to what other people are saying, and frankly, just doesn’t give a sh*t what other people think of him. You are comfortable in your own skin and you know what you’re doing. This automatically exudes a high level of confidence that women find to be a very attractive quality.

Attractive Quality #2: Have Presence

The next attractive quality is presence. This can help you get the attention of a woman. Having physical presence – ie. getting noticed when you walk into a room. A very intriguing trait.

So how do you get people to notice you? One easy way when you walk into a room is to smile and say hi to as many people as you can – both men and women. Nothing creepy or needy here, just subtle smiles and hellos.

Another simple way to get noticed is to wear something over the top “stylish or loud”. Maybe a funky hat or some other accessory. Whatever fits your personality. This has always worked for me and immediately draws people in, getting them to approach, wanting to talk and get to know you.

Attractive Quality #3: Have Fun

Guys think women place the highest value on looks, money, car, etc.. and yes some girls do, but the far majority will tell you that she puts much greater value on the experience she is having with you. If she feels comfortable and excited to be around you, she will connect those emotions to you. If she is having fun with you, then you have brought value to her.

It goes the same if she is feeling sexual excitement around you – you have again brought value to her. So bring a level of fun, flirty and entertaining banter into your conversations. Be sure to keep it light and remember to just have fun with it – a woman really enjoys having an interesting conversation with a guy “that’s having fun with it”.

Attractive Quality #4: You Can Handle Your SH*T

There’s really no other way to say this, so let me explain. Women want a competent man who can take care of his shit. Someone who takes control and handles a situation. But, you have to demonstrate this. You can’t just talk about it. You have to take charge and show her. It could be as simple as planning a date night, keeping a promise that you made or negotiating with the plumber.

Women want to see that you can take control and handle any situation. Not only is it very masculine and attractive, it also allows her to not have to think or worry about anything. She knows “you got this”. Especially for those “take charge/boss” type of women who sometimes just want to relax and be pampered – not always having to worry about shit themselves. She trusts and knows that you will handle things the way they need to be handled, with her best interest in mind.

Attractive Quality #5: Confidence

I know this sounds super cliché, but that’s for good reason. I would, however, like to explain it a little differently here. You want to really show her that you place a high value on yourself and that you are, in fact, a catch or “high status”. So how do you demonstrate that you are a high-value guy? There are a few traits you’ll want to display. Sometimes your status can say more about you than your words. It can frame the whole conversation.

If you’re perceived as high status, you already command more attention. Some ways you can immediately demonstrate high status are; 1) show her your attention is limited and that you’re a busy guy with passions and other priorities; 2) never explain yourself – she is not your mom. You don’t have to explain yourself to her. Just be yourself and own it; while being respectful, of course (don’t blatantly disrespect or flat out lie to her) and 3) remember that you are the prize – if you’re genuinely a good, honest, loyal, well-intent, competent guy, then you are the prize and holding this belief demonstrates high status – a very, very attractive quality to women.

Ayman is a writer and digital media professional with a passion for men's lifestyle, hotels & travel. He enjoys authentic, bold and inspiring storytelling, while encouraging men to never settle for mediocre.

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