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A Healthy Morning Routine For Men: What’s Missing From Yours?



We all have a morning routine, whether we realize it or not. Maybe you like to sleep in and get as much kip as possible? Or maybe you enjoy waking up early and getting outside to soak up the early morning sun? Whatever it is you do when the alarm goes off, your morning routine is doing something good for you! 

But could it be better? From working out first thing to eating a hearty and healthy breakfast at least three times a week, a healthy morning routine is going to vary from man to man. But no matter what your current morning routine looks like, there could be something very crucial missing from it. Let’s go through a few such elements down below. 

Start Waking Up a Bit Earlier

If you don’t like waking up early, you don’t necessarily need to change the habit. After all, you’re tired, and it’s up to you how you sleep. But if you wake up a bit earlier for around two weeks, you might find your sleep cycle realigning to suit the day better. Earlier wake-up, earlier bedtime. 

Drink Water

Water is the best thing for both your brain and body. Before tea or coffee, before a protein shake or a juice smoothie. You need a good glass of water to help yourself wake up. Not only does it serve all of your organs much better, including your skin, but it hydrates you in a way no other beverage will ever be able to. 

And seeing as you’ve been asleep for 7 or so hours already, you’re definitely going to be dehydrated! You can also add something citrus to your glass of water to aid your digestion. A squeeze of lemon or a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar helps your body to absorb nutrients over a longer period of time, providing energy for longer and preventing a crash at the end of the day. 

Ask Your Barber About Your Hair

Treating your hair right in the morning should always be a part of your routine. For men, it can be easy to forget about your hair and just sweep it back, but your hairline and your general root condition will definitely thank you!

And if you don’t know where to start with your hair, talk to your barber about its current condition. Visit a place like where they specialize in men’s hair and get their opinion. If you’re concerned about your hairline or thinning hair and think there’s nothing left to do, having this conversation about your morning routine could change everything. 

Design Your Workout Right

Many men like to workout first thing in the morning. In fact, it’s the most common time for men to hit the gym. You can take advantage of this by heading to the gym at the same time and surround yourself with other men working towards the same healthy goals. Yes, your morning routine could lead to a better fitness support network! 

And when you’re there, focus on the machines and movements that’ll actually benefit you. If you get bored, stop and take stock. The gym has plenty of machines and classes – just try something new. 

Have Some Fun

The morning can be a boring and tiring time. As a man, it’s easy to roll out of bed, grab something to eat, and then get to work or the gym ASAP. That’s what mornings are for, right? 

Well, if you want to associate the earliest time of the day with something more enjoyable, you’re going to need to incorporate some fun activities into your morning routine as well. And starting off the day in a good mood is never going to be a bad thing!

Put on a podcast you enjoy, try out some Yoga moves before your workout, or have a little dance to wake yourself up. If you want to give your brain a kickstart, you could also use this fun portion of your morning for brain-teasing activities like a quick game of checkers or some other game that gets all-important connections firing. You could even just set aside some time to sit down with a book, ensuring that you’re harnessing your thoughts first thing, and are way more coherent throughout the rest of the day as a result. These are all easy things to try out to get yourself moving and even laughing. You can also schedule an early morning activity with a friend once a week; this will give you something to look forward to on the hardest days, where you have fun and you’re surrounded by good company. 

If you’re a man, you should know how easy it is to set up and carry out a healthy morning routine. If you’re worried about certain elements of your health, this is where you can start to tackle them. And this doesn’t even mention just how good a tasty breakfast is!

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