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Are You Guilty Of These Bad Driving Habits?



Most of us are guilty of bad driving habits. While some of these habits can be harmful to the car, others can be harmful to ourselves and other road users. To help you become a better driver, here are seven bad habits that you may want to work on putting a stop to.

Driving under the influence

If you’ve drank any alcohol, it’s best not to get behind the wheel. Alcohol reduces reactions, making you more prone to a potential accident on the road. Driving under the influence is a criminal offence in most places around the world with some states and countries taking a zero tolerance attitude towards it – you could end having to hire a criminal defence attorney just to keep your license. Plan not to drink or get someone else to drive.

Using your phone while driving

When using your phone, you’re likely to be distracted and not focusing as much on the road. This is particularly the case with texting, which is believed to lead to 1.6 million crashes every year. Texting while driving is illegal in most US states and in many countries across the world. If you’re easily tempted, make sure to place your phone somewhere where you can’t access it while driving.

Eating while driving

Eating while driving can also serve as a distraction. It’s not illegal, but it’s the cause of many accidents – eating often prevents drivers from putting both hands on the wheel and may require having to look away from the road to open food packaging. Always pull over to eat (besides, you’ll enjoy your food more and it’ll be less messy).

Road rage

Getting angry at other drivers can lead many people to drive more dangerously. This then leads to a greater chance of accidents. Most of us have the occasional mild bout of road rage and this is generally harmless – if you get road rage severely and frequently, you may want to consider looking into road rage therapy.


Tailgating involves driving very close to the driver in front – sometimes as a way of encouraging the driver ahead to speed up. When you tailgate, you ignore safe braking distances, which could mean that you have a greater chance of slamming into the driver in front if they have to make an emergency brake. Always hang back a safe distance, no matter how frustratingly slow the driver in front is going.

Not indicating

A lot of drivers don’t use their blinkers enough. While road positioning can sometimes show where you plan to go, indicating is the clearest way of telling other drivers what direction you are about to move in.  Failing to use indicators could increase the risk of a crash.

Harsh accelerating/late braking

Driving like a racing driver may be fun, but it often causes unnecessary damage to the car and causes unnecessary fuel consumption. On top of this, you’re more likely to get into an accident when speeding off or braking late. When not on a racing circuit, try to adopt a more leisurely style of driving. Your car will live longer, you’ll spend less money on fuel and you’ll minimize the chance of getting in an unwanted crash.

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