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Guy Stuff

Five Things Guys Do That Secretly Gross Girls Out



disgusted woman

When guys are single and dating, their goal is usually to impress the opposite sex. In order to complete their mission, guys will employ a number of strategies to gain the girl’s attention, or they may totally miss the boat by not performing certain rituals which work to sabotage their efforts.

Taking the wrong actions or failing to do the right ones can turn girls off and stop your chances of moving ahead with them. Here are some of the employed or ignored actions that can secretly gross girls out and stifle your chances with them.

Being a Stinky Stan

Personal hygiene is at the top of the list when it comes to drawing in the girls or grossing them out. Smell is one of the most powerful senses for triggering emotional and psychological responses and this is especially true with women. As a matter of fact, that ‘love at first sight’ that is so often talked about is more often than not an attraction to natural pheromones.

Therefore, cleanliness is definitely a key to getting close to your girl and there are several areas to consider. Of course, showering regularly ensures that BO doesn’t deliver the dreaded KO. However, men also have the tendency to conservatively wear the same shirt or socks for several outings. This is a no-no according to the no-nose.

Keeping the air clean is another hygienic practice often avoided to the detriment of a relationship. Women don’t want to breathe in the garlic you had for lunch when they move in for a tender moment so brush those teeth and use mints. Also, farting around the female species is like spraying raid on a cockroach… avoid it at all costs!

Using a Scent that Blows the Nose

Men have the tendency to try and cover up their odors rather than eliminate them. Admit it, that expensive or highly advertised cologne is thought to make you more appealing to your gal. “Hey, if it works for Antonio Banderas then a few extra squirts are bound to get me into the honey pot!” Not! Studies reveal that women are much more attracted to natural, softer smells than harsh gusts of cologne.

Instead of relying on the latest overpowering perfume, try going without and letting your natural pheromones lasso her nose. If you feel ‘naked’ without some sort of fragrance, use something that includes vanilla, cinnamon, patchouli, musk, jasmine, or ylang ylang… proven seducers of the female nostril.

Eyeing the Pastries

Yeah, yeah you’re a man stud and you secretly know that other women want to ravage you. However, if you check out other women when with your girl, you can bet that she is experiencing a super secret steaming. When you’re out by yourself, let the games begin! But if you are with your girl, don’t be eyeing the other pastry selections.

Nervous Neediness

Men often think that if they are extra sensitive then they will give girls what they want. Nope, all that whining, crying and neediness actually turns women off, regardless what they may confess openly. Girls want guys that are strong and can provide them with an anchor of support and stability, not a blubbering, wishy washy basket case. Overcalling and over texting is included in the ‘nix on neediness’ checklist. On the other hand, showing a few tears at key times (funerals, disasters or during romantic movies) is a girl-grabber!

Overpowering Punk

While considering the last secret girl turn-off, be sure not to go overboard and be an overpowering punk. Girls like strong men, but they are grossed out by those who want to fight at every offense or put their fists through walls when aggravated. Such behavior will actually scare women off and into the arms of a strong man with a sensitive and protective hug.

Cammie Channing is a dental hygienist and published health writer from Tucson, Arizona. She has written published articles about dentistry, skincare, general health, and more.

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