Ryan Dunn, best known for his roles on “Jackass,” and another as-of-yet-unidentified person, both died in a crash outside of Philadelphia early this morning. Details are...
During the regular TV season, our DVR is filled with shows for us to watch. But now that all of our shows have ended for the...
In this hysterical 9-second video, some polish guy attempts impress his girlfriend by doing a burnout. As you can see, things went horribly wrong! Bad for...
In a perfect world, I’d own a home with a 10 car garage, an ocean view and a 2.5 mile driveway that was one part Watkins...
ESPN began as an outrageous gamble with a lineup that included Australian Rules Football, rodeo, and a rinky-dinky clip show called Sports Center. Today the empire...
The thing that sucks about the summer is the lack of TV programming, and Friday nights are the worst! So after dinner last night, we picked...
The guys at Holy Taco recently did a 25 Star Trek Cakes post, so we felt the need to strike back with our own post.. Here...
Anyone that knows me knows that I love Lobster Bisque! I’ve ordered Lobster Bisque at hundreds of restaurants over the years, and I’ve never been disappointed....
Father’s Day is this Sunday! Have you done your Father’s Day shopping yet? I usually wait until the last minute, and then get hosed on overnight...
I’m keeping things short and sweet this week with two older tracks that you’re sure to enjoy! SVOY – Driving Away I honestly don’t remember when...
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