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5 Ways To Use Technology To Get Ahead



The rapid advancement of technology, the rise of social media, and the increasingly connected world, it is to blame for so many bad things but also credited for so much good in the world. Despite your thoughts on whether it is a good or a bad thing, there is no doubt that the use of technology, new devices, intelligent software, and social media can help you to get ahead in your career. It doesn’t mean that if you have the latest phone or tablet, you’ll be able to get ahead, you have to use everything wisely and take advantage of what is on offer to make it work for you. Here are a few ways you can use technology to get ahead:

Be More Efficient

Thanks to productivity software, you can foster more efficient work practices and get more done each day. While you might be using the same productivity software as everyone else in the office, take it one step further and educate yourself on all its features and benefits. Learn how to really use it and make your work as automated, accurate, and as organized as you possibly can.

Get Educated

The choices of online education are endless now, and so much of it is free, too, and you can get access to it from the comfort of your own home. Check out TED Talks, virtual reality training solutions, free online courses, video tutorials, books and whitepapers you can download and teach yourself more about your industry and your job role so that you can get ahead.

Embrace Up-Skilling

While you’re online educating yourself in your spare time, learn some new skills which could be useful to your role or allow you to be ready to step into new positions. If you have your eye on someone else’s job or want a new job but aren’t quite skilled enough, then take it upon yourself to get skilled so that you can be there to fill those shoes as soon as you’re needed.


Use the internet and social media to network and get connected with the right people. Get yourself known, put your name out there, contribute to forums, join discussion groups, share interesting articles, and comment and engage with people. While you’re doing this, it’s probably a good idea to have a good clean up of your social media as this is something that could come back to bite you in the future. Get rid of the embarrassing photos or make sure your privacy settings are on so that nothing you have done can damage your career potential.

Know When Not To Use Tech

Remember soft skills? Well, knowing the appropriate amount of tech to use and when not to use it is also essential in getting ahead. Make sure your teamwork and time management skills are up to scratch, know when you should send an email and when you should go over to someone’s desk or pick up the phone – have a competent and confident telephone manner and don’t always rely on technology.

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