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How Do I Make My Personal Injury Case Stronger



One of the best ways to help your personal injury case is to hire an experienced attorney with a successful track record of getting favorable settlements for their clients. An attorney has the resources to build a case and negotiate with the insurance party on your behalf. 

Your attorney can advise you of your rights, ensure that you meet important deadlines, and handle the legal aspects of your personal injury case while you heal from your injuries. Read more about personal injury law, including the information below on what else you can do to strengthen your case.

Seek Medical Attention 

You should always get checked out by a doctor if you have been involved in an accident. You may be holding off on seeking medical attention out of fear that your bills will be high and that you won’t be able to pay for them. Fortunately, you can receive compensation for medical expenses from the liable party. If you delay, your injuries could get worse.

Comply With Your Doctor and Attorney

Now is the time to rely on those who are by your side. This includes your personal injury attorney, who is seeking a fair settlement on your behalf, and your doctor or medical team, who is trying to help you recover your health. 

Once you have started seeking medical treatment and have contacted an attorney, there are still responsibilities that you have to help them do their jobs. First, you need to comply with your medical treatment plan. Failure to do so could cause suspicion in the insurance company. The adjuster assigned to your claim may wonder if you are as hurt as you say you are if you do not follow your treatment plan. Plus, you could face lifelong consequences to your health if you veer from your doctor’s orders.

Your attorney will make an effort to stay in contact with you, but it is also helpful if you provide them with what they need immediately. If you have any photos from the scene of the accident, contact information for witnesses, and any bills or invoices for costs related to your accident, you should submit those to your attorney. If they tell you to do something or not do something, follow those instructions exactly. 

Keep a Journal

Memories fade, and you may forget important details of your accident over time. A journal documents what you remember and how it has affected your life.

Stay Off Social Media

If you post something that indicates you are fine, your case is at risk. Insurance companies often hire private investigators to check out the online profiles of claimants to see if they can find any signs of fraud. A person who claims that they were injured in an accident who is pictured taking a walk and appearing healthy can jeopardize their case. A lot of people talk about their car accidents online, but you should only ever discuss your case with your attorney, doctors, and immediate family.

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