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Is It Ever OK To Cheat In Video Games? The Pros And Cons



Every gamer has cheated at some point in their life. Whether you’re trying to beat an impossible level in God of War or get more money to build your home in The Sims, every video game enthusiast is familiar with the cheat codes, modifications, and hacks available to overcome challenges and further your progress.

But what about the ethical considerations when it comes to cheating in games? Many would argue that is unfair and impacts negatively upon the genuinely skilled gamers who never have to resort to such tactics. But there are times when cheating is victimless and can be incredibly beneficial to the player. The following article outlines the pros and cons of cheating in order to determine whether it is ever acceptable behavior.

The Pros

It can enhance enjoyment

Some cheats are not about winning the game or beating other players. Some of them are simply designed to enhance your playing experience and make the game more fun. You can unlock secret characters or weapons, employ additional skills, or amplify gameplay in any number of ways. Take Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for example. There are plenty of COD MW3 accounts for sale that can give you this experience and enhance the fun factor.

It can enable you to complete a game

Some games are incredibly difficult, and there is nothing worse than slaving away at a particularly complicated level, dying over and over again. A simple cheat code can get you past the obstacle and allow you to continue your enjoyment of the game. You’ve spent money on the title, so why should you keep forcing yourself to be frustrated and annoyed when you could easily overcome the challenge and maximize the fun? No one wants to leave a game uncompleted, and it’s very easy to give up when it becomes too difficult. This way, you can get to the end and move onto the next game with a sense of pride and completion. 

Single player cheating doesn’t affect anyone

Cheating when you’re playing with other people affects the other competitors, but what about when you’re playing by yourself? If you’re having trouble with your single player campaign and need some additional help, what’s wrong with typing in a cheat code or using a walkthrough? It is a victimless action and no one else needs to know about it. If it doesn’t harm anyone, it can’t be considered unethical.

There are different levels of cheating

What does it mean to cheat? There are so many different ways to cheat, some of which are more extreme than others. This makes it a difficult concept to define. Perhaps using cheat codes to make yourself invincible might be considered unethical in a multiplayer game, but what about using an online walkthrough to help you solve a tricky puzzle? Or giving yourself extra health because you accidentally saved a game as you were dying and don’t want to restart the whole thing. It’s a gray area which makes it hard to conclusively say whether or not cheating is wrong.

Cheats are often built-in

Game developers often build cheat codes and secret features into the games themselves. If they are so wrong, why are they there in the first place? Some of them may be installed as a way for developers to get further ahead in the game during the testing process, but many are put there as secret easter eggs for players to find. If they’re intentional, they can’t be unethical to use.

The Cons

It is unfair to other gamers

A multiplayer game should be a fair battlefield, and if a player is cheating it ruins the whole experience for everyone else. It is only right that the most skilled and experienced players come out on top, giving the less able gamers a chance to practice and boost their own skills. If the player who knows the secret cheat codes wins every time despite a lack of real ability, it makes the whole experience much less enjoyable and genuine.

It encourages a lack of perseverance

There is something to be said for persevering in the face of adversity. When games are difficult, a player should keep trying and trying until they overcome the obstacle. If they simply use a cheat code or a walkthrough whenever they encounter a challenge, it teaches them to give in easily and leads to a lack of strength and willpower. It shows poor character, and it is much more preferable to keep going through tough times and try to beat the game on one’s own merit. It will lead to a greater sense of achievement when you eventually complete the game without cheating. 

It impacts game developers

A prevalence of cheating can have a drastic effect on game developers and studios. If players in certain games are frequently and obviously bypassing the rules and restrictions of the title, the game will become notorious and renowned for this. The creators will get a bad name, and it can severely impact upon the reviews and sales of the games. This alone makes regular cheating an unethical decision, and therefore it is much better to play the game as it is intended.

It creates a culture of cheating

Cheating is a slippery slope. When one player casually uses a cheat for whatever reason, it sets a precedent. They will feel less hesitant to do so next time they encounter a challenge, and they will let their standards and ethics drop over time. And this can spread to other players too. When players are aware of other gamers cheating to win the game, they might decide to level the playing field and use cheats to up their advantage. This leads to a culture of cheating where everyone is trying to gain the upper hand through nefarious means. The whole experience is less authentic for everyone and the whole purpose of the game has been left to the wayside.

What do you think about the ethical dilemma of cheating? Can it sometimes be acceptable or is it always wrong? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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