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4 Creative But Free Ways To Get People To Download Your App



Apple iPhone

Developing an app takes a lot of hard work and money, but it’s all for nothing if nobody downloads it. It can be so frustrating when you’ve spent so long tweaking and perfecting your new app and you’re sure that it will be a hit once you get the ball rolling, but you can’t get those initial downloads. The problem is, you might not have the money to spend on huge marketing campaigns after you’ve just paid for the app development process. The good news is, there are plenty of creative ways to market your app for free. 

Apply For Awards 

If your app wins some awards, that’s a great credibility boost. You also get a lot of exposure and free marketing from the awards. The best thing is, it’s usually free to throw your hat in the ring and you’ll be invited to a swanky awards ceremony if you win. Once you start putting details of your big award on your website, you’re going to get plenty of downloads in no time. The Appy Awards are one of the biggest awards out there but there are loads of others if you search around. Even if it’s just a small local award, you’ve got nothing to lose and it’s still some great publicity. 

Create A QR Code

If you want people to download your app, you need to make it easy for them. If you expect them to go onto the app store and search for your app, people are less likely to bother. But if they can do it with the click of a button and go about their day, you’ll get more downloads, so you should make QR code that links to the app store. There are some great free generators online and you can then put the code on your website, emails, business cards and whatever else. The more places you put it, the more downloads you get. 

Join Developers Groups On Social Media

The more downloads your app gets, the more exposure it will get on the app store, so it’s all a numbers game to start with. You should join developer’s groups on social media and offer free downloads (if it’s a paid app) and then ask for feedback. Not only does this give you some valuable advice that can help you improve the app, it gets you loads of downloads. 

Include Download Links In Emails

Email marketing is the bread and butter of most businesses, and since you’re already spending money on it, you might as well use it as an opportunity for some free marketing for your app. All you need to do is add a link at the bottom of the email so people can download your app. Your emails are already targeting existing customers and qualified leads, so it’s likely that you will get a lot of downloads. 

If you want to succeed in the tech industry and get people to download your app, but you don’t want to spend any money, try some of these great methods.  

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