sat down with the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover Model to talk about what she’s looking for in a man, and apparently I’m exactly what she’s...
The brotherhood between cops is sacred, but it’s not stronger than the bond between a father and son, especially when it’s a matter of justice. Freelancers...
Katrina Darling, the 22-year-old burlesque dancer and second cousin of Kate Middleton, graces the cover of Playboy’s September 2012 issue and is featured in an 8-page...
Most horror movie plots are cheesy and predictable, but every once in a while, a movie comes along that touches on our deepest, darkest, most unimaginable...
It’s been awhile since any good games have come out, and then all of a sudden we get hit with three highly-anticipated titles worth checking out...
If you’ve ever used Reddit, you know that what he’s saying is actually pretty accurate.. 🙂
Check out this latest gem from the BART Idiot Hall of Fame group on Facebook. This FB group posts “photos of idiots, jerks, assholes on BART...
Who else was looking at Jordan’s boobs when she was de-boning that chicken wing?
Trojan Vibrations is bringing the buzz to the streets of New York this week with a massive giveaway of 10,000 Trojan vibrators – The largest-ever vibrator...
International Beer Day is a worldwide celebration of beer on August 5th, taking place in pubs, breweries, and back yards all over the world. It’s a...