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How To Find Joy In The Now



Life is full of challenges that can lead to anxiety and even steal your joy. Even when you appear perfect on the surface, you may feel sad and empty inside. Irrespective of the cause of this sadness, below are some vital things you can start doing to find joy in the now.

Appreciate the Small Things

One way to find joy in the present moment is to appreciate the small things in life. Take a moment to notice and savor the surrounding beauty – a warm cup of tea, a sunny day or a kind gesture from a stranger. These little moments of happiness can add up and bring joy to your day. Look here for products that can help you appreciate the small things.

Start Exercising

Working out is a scientifically proven way to improve your mood. Each time you work out, your body releases the feel-good hormone endorphin. This neurotransmitter can help you feel better almost instantly. Other hormones that are released during work out include endocannabinoids and dopamine.

Start by creating a workout routine that you can follow at home or the gym. Cardio, strength training, or a combination of both will help you. Also, going on long walks can help improve your mood.

Practice Gratitude

It is easy to lose your joy when you always think of things you lack and not what you have now. Making a conscious effort to practice gratitude for the little things will help you feel better.

You can start a gratitude journal immediately and list three things you are grateful for in your life. Also, make a habit of thanking those who help you around, even with little things.

Make Time for Socialization

Isolation can lead to depression and anxiety because humans are social beings. Go out with loved ones, plan holidays, or go on road trips. No matter how busy you are, make out time for socialization.

Keep yourself busy with something you enjoy so much that you don’t have time to think of sadness. Also, if you do not have any friends, consider engaging in conversations and making new friends when you go out.

Start Giving

Assisting others is another excellent way to find your joy. You do not have to be rich to give, and your charity doesn’t have to be financial. Participating in acts of service will keep you busy and make you feel a sense of satisfaction.

You can give by volunteering for a charity organization in your immediate environment. Every week, one to two hours of volunteering gives you something to look forward to every time. You can volunteer at an at-risk youth center, elderly home, or orphanage. Many opportunities allow you to offer your time even if you do not have money.

Talk to a Professional

If you have tried everything above and still cannot find joy, consider getting professional help. A professional will provide a treatment option if you need a physiological diagnosis. Also, you may need to start taking medication for depression and anxiety.


Life is hard sometimes, but it is still beautiful. No matter how hard your situation gets, do not let anything take away your joy. Find peace and beauty in little things and learn to enjoy yourself independently.

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