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Is Pickleball A Sport You Should Pick Up?



It’s the fastest growing sport in America. And the likes of LeBron James and Tom Brady have been investing in it by buying teams.

The sport is called ‘pickleball’ and it was invented in 1965 in Bainbridge Island, Washington, as a result of a couple challenging their kids to come up with a new game. The family came up with a variation of badminton using table tennis paddles. Over time, the game caught among friends and neighbors. And now it’s an international sport with a World Pickleball Federation and various leagues!

Just what are the rules of this game? And where can you play it? This post explains more about Pickleball so that you can decide whether it’s a sport worth picking up. 

What is pickleball?

Pickleball is essentially ping pong on a badminton court – with a few extra rules and tweaks to distinguish it.

It can be played with two or four people. The aim is to knock back and forth a plastic ball until one player cannot return the ball or otherwise breaks the rules (such as hitting the ball out of the court or serving incorrectly).

Players must hit the ball with their paddle using an underarm motion. Each side of the court is divided into two sections and players must serve into the section of court that is diagonal to them. Games are played to 11 points, with a 2 point lead required in order to win. You can find more detailed information on how to play pickleball here.

How easy is pickleball to get into?

Part of pickleball’s growing popularity is the simplicity of its rules. Unlike tennis that is very technical, you can more easily get to grips with how to play pickleball. It is also not as physically exertive or as hard on the joints – which has helped attract people of all ages.

Getting into pickleball does not cost a lot of money either. The equipment is fairly cheap, and courts are not too expensive to rent out. Some venues can even provide you with equipment which you can hire out as part of the cost of renting a court.

What equipment do I need to play?

While pickleball started off being played with ping pong paddles, the inventors of the game quickly got to work creating new specialist paddles that were better suited to the increased range. Pickleball paddles are usually made from more durable materials than ping pong paddles and are slightly heavier. You can browse through top rated pickleball paddles online. 

Pickleball also uses a different ball to ping pong. Whereas ping pong uses a solid plastic ball, pickleball uses a perforated hollow plastic ball. This creates more drag. You can buy pickleball balls online. Be wary that there are separate indoor and outdoor balls to choose from.

As mentioned already, some pickleball venues will be able to provide this equipment for you, which can be useful if you’re giving the sport a taster and don’t want to buy any kit. 

Where do I play?

Pickleball was first played on a badminton court. Nowadays, it is played on specialist pickleball courts, which are slightly smaller and have a lowered net.

An increasing number of pickleball courts have been opening up across the US. In 2022, the number of pickleball courts hit 44,094 – with 90 new venues being built every month. You can look up pickleball courts in your area online. 

What are the health benefits of pickleball?

Pickleball provides a cardio workout without being too physically straining. Because the ball is light and because of its underarm strokes, you are less likely to develop an RSI as you are with other racket sports like tennis. In fact, it is very joint-friendly.

Playing pickleball can greatly increase hand-eye coordination. It is worth noting that it is also a very social game, allowing you to spend time with friends and possibly helping you build new connections by meeting fellow passionate pickleball players.

Should I start playing pickleball?

If you’re looking to get involved in a new rising sport that’s not too expensive or complicated to learn, pickleball could be a good choice. Pickleball is a sport that anyone can get into and finding venues is becoming easier as the sport gains popularity. It’s particularly worthwhile getting into if you like other racket sports – particularly badminton or ping pong. Try renting out a court during a non-busy period and invite a friend or family member along to play with. 

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